The world’s most commonly used spice, Piper nigrum, starts life as berries in a clump1 on a flowering vine (like grapes). Native to Southern India, today pepper is grown throughout the tropics. 胡椒是世界
Cinnamon, a spice derived from the inner bark of Cinnamomum trees, has been an integral part of human history for centuries. Beyond its culinary applications, cinnamon has found its way into art and l
Garlic, with its intense aroma and distinctive taste has always been a key component of culinary traditions, worldwide for centuries. Yet, beyond its culinary uses, garlic holds a rich tapestry of fol
Ginger, the aromatic root known for its unique flavor, has a fascinating history as a medicinal powerhouse. From ancient civilizations to modern times, ginger has played a pivotal role in traditional
“The farmers move quickly through snaking vines, seeking out the pale, waxy flowers that bloom just one morning each year. They use thin, pointed sticks to lift the delicate membrane that separates th
Curry is not a single spice, nor is it related to the namesake curry tree (though the leaves are used in many dishes in India). 咖喱并非一种单一的香料,也与同名的咖喱树无关(尽管在印度很多菜肴都用到了咖喱树的叶子)。 The catch-all umbrella t
The name Hong Kong is actually a phonetic translation of the city’s Cantonese name 香港 (heung gong), which literally means “Fragrant Harbour”. Over the years, Hong Kong has been given a number of nickn
“Hospice.” “临终关怀。” Once the word is uttered aloud, there is a seismic shift. You will feel it. 这词一旦大声念出来,天崩地裂般的变化便接踵而至。你自会察觉。 Like a (very short) thread through the eye of a needle, swiftly in and
Few years ago, I built a writing studio in my backyard. One hundred square feet, four windows and a door. I painted it gray to match the main, bigger house, dragged in a couch and a desk, put up some
Ever caught yourself waiting before making a decision, but not knowing why? Explore how hesitation can be a meaningful manifestation of intuition. 你是否发现自己总是在做决定前踌躇再三,却不知为何如此?犹豫源自直觉,是有意义的,其中道理且看下文分析。
Fall weather is drastically changing thanks to global warming. Fixing it will require us to stabilize emissions. 由于全球变暖,秋天的天气正在经历剧烈的变化。要解决这一问题,我们需要稳定碳排放。 One of the great pleasures of autumn is its
CEO Andrew Schaap argues that thinking carefully about spending choices is the key to growing a viable business and keeping investors happy. 首席执行官安德鲁·沙普认为,仔细考量支出决策是企业健康发展和令投资者满意的关键。 When encouraging
Molly Price and Erik Sorensen are getting married in October. AI is helping with the details. 莫莉·普赖斯与埃里克·索伦森计划在10月结婚。人工智能(AI)正在协助他们处理婚礼的各种细节。 The couple told Insider they used ChatGPT and other AI a
From 1901 to 1904 Gustav Klimt completed several paintings of different woods which sometimes are half-abstract, sometimes realistic, but they are always breathtaking. 1901年到1904年间,古斯塔夫·克里姆特完成了数幅描绘不同
Atlanta is a city that has been forged on the anvil of strife, that’s risen from the embers of the Civil War. It is a city with traditions both genteel and gritty, a place that is rising up out of its
Jayson Tatum and Jaylen Brown are not a dynamic duo1. That would imply that one is Batman and one is Robin2, that one is the hero and the other is the sidekick. 杰森·塔图姆和杰伦·布朗这对组合并非强力拍档,言外之意,他们一个是蝙蝠侠,一
2024年,岁次甲辰,属龙。 龙年思龙。我查阅商务印书馆《现代汉语词典》(第7版)的“龙”,在以龙字为首的36个词条之中,“龙骨”的出现让我暂停了下来。 我是英语工作者,辞书、词汇是我的研究兴趣。我经常浏览各式字词典和百科全书,从中汲取新知,不经意间就能发现有趣的现象,甚至找到研究的灵感。《现代汉语词典》(第7版)的“龙骨”收了3个义项,一是鸟类的胸骨,二是古代动物的骨骼化石,三是像脊椎和肋骨
人有五种感官功能(five senses),其中“看”和“听”是最重要的。可是对于这两个词,汉语英语的表达却不尽相同。 先说“见风使舵”,是“根据看清的风向使舵”,英语是“see which way the wind is blowing and trim one’s sails accordingly”(可简写为bend with the wind)。see还可进一步表示“理解、明白”的意思,
In the morning we were taken to where the Liberation Daily had been printed when Yan’an was the revolutionary center. Our friend George Hatem, when he wasn’t doctoring, had helped produce the English
喜欢白日做梦者大有人在,或为理想,或为空想。理想者,随之为理想而奋斗,使理想最终成为现实;空想者,完全脱离实际,想入非非,终为空想所害。白日做梦是人的一种主动行为,梦之由衷。然而夜间做梦却是被动的,不管你情愿与否,它都会闯入个人世界中。这是梦最真实的内涵。可又有谁愿做这最真实内涵的梦?然则我却是最喜欢做夜间梦的,或更准确地说,是喜欢做一切真实入睡状态中的梦。 Those who indulge
多年来,虽然工作中大多穿西装,但是,一直没留意西装口袋里的“手帕”英语怎么说,以为就是handkerchief。直到我在The Diamond Eye这本书中看到pocket square这个词组才知道,原来“西装上衣口袋里的手帕”英文有专门的说法,叫pocket square,“口袋方巾”。 之前简单介绍过,美国时任总统罗斯福政治上的对手精心策划,欲借苏联女狙击手随苏联大学生代表团应邀出席白宫
电影《沉默的羔羊》是同名畅销小说的一次成功改编。影片于1991年上映并于1992年获得5项奥斯卡大奖。美国电影协会将其评为影史上最伟大和最有影响力的惊悚片第五名,是美国国会图书馆收藏的25部电影之一。它被认为具有“文化、历史或美学”上的重要意义,入选了美国国家电影保护名录(2011年)。2018年,《帝国》杂志评选出“有史以来最伟大的500部电影”,本片位列第48名。 《沉默的羔羊》获奖后,上海
四级 Directions: Suppose the university newspaper is inviting submissions from the students for its coming edition on what in their university impresses them most. You are now to write an essay for sub
If you think about your time in nursery school you’ll remember painting, making things with your hands, listening to stories and learning nursery rhymes—short, simple songs for very young children. Pa
Pre-reading task You are going to read an article about the importance of planning and preparation when blogging for business. Before you read, think about your own company. Does it have a blog? Do y