Internet culture is saturated with memes, but how would you explain a meme to someone who doesn’t get it? 在互联网文化中,模因无处不在,但如何向不了解的人解释某个模因的含义呢? Memes didn’t start with the internet. Some linguists arg
Is there more to internet memes than meets the eye? The science of these viral mash-ups reveals why they are so effective at spreading ideas and beliefs. 网络模因背后是否暗藏玄机?模因病毒式传播所蕴含的科学揭示了它们为何能如此高效地传播思想理念
Ah, memes. They make us laugh, get us thinking and hold up a mirror to society. But what becomes of the people behind our favourite faces on the internet? 哈,模因!它们让我们欢笑,引发我们思考,反映社会现实。这一张张互联网上我们喜闻乐见的面孔
It was when my second pair of limited-edition Crocs came in the mail that I realised something had changed. The strange part was that my purchase wasn’t made off the back of an ad campaign, there was
Internet humor isn’t always easily explainable, but it’s usually pretty hil-arious. 要解释清楚互联网上的幽默并非总是那么容易,但这种幽默通常能令人捧腹大笑。 If it weren’t for funny memes, Facebook wouldn’t be entertaining enough to s
Somewhere between rage faces1 and reaction GIFs, “biaoqing” have evolved to become an essential part of the Chinese internet. 夹在“暴漫脸”与反应动图之间的“表情”已逐步演变为中国互联网的重要组成部分。 Linguists have found that human l
One evening, I found myself hiding in the shadows of a tree in a Hong Kong park. I was on high alert, warily eyeing everyone walking toward me. I was checking my phone every few seconds, watching the
It was summer. The hot, still days were followed by evenings of a lovely sultry2 peacefulness scented with mown hay, dog-roses and clover. The river, day and night, looked as if it slept between its r
One of my earliest memories of river swimming is in the upper reaches of the River Swale in Swaledale in the Yorkshire Dales. It was a hot summer day and I remember my mum and grandma lugging our big
When Harry Styles was pelted with chicken nuggets while on stage at New York’s Madison Square Gardens, he took it in his stride1. “Interesting approach,” smiled Styles, who has also weathered kiwi fru
How does inflation impact the already shifting industries of alcohol and nonalcoholic beverage offerings? 通货膨胀对已经在转型的酒精和非酒精饮料行业有何影响? The cost-of-living crisis has seen the prices of many goods and s
It was a cold January night in 2021 when Amir Ashrafizadeh heard the shouts. The drone operator was conducting an audit1 of a 15-storey residential building on Queen Street in Toronto, capturing more
Talking to Gen Z about tech overuse isn’t exactly groundbreaking. We all recognize the impact of daily device usage on our health, well-being and ability to focus. One day, we’ll look at social media
In 1913 Gustav Klimt broke with his annual three-month visit to Attersee spa in the Austrian Alps, and went to the Italian Lake Garda instead, possibly under the increasing influence of Egon Schiele1,
While other artists might use water-colors or oil paints, Mbongeni Buthelezi uses waste plastics to create highly textured portraits at his studio in Booysens, Johannesburg. 其他艺术家也许会用水彩或油画颜料创作,而姆邦盖尼·
Founded in the 1800s by German vintners, Hermann has retained its small-town character and rich viticulture traditions, making it a perfect Midwestern road trip stop or weekend destination. 19世纪,德国葡萄
哀哀父母,生我劬劳。孝道流淌在每个中国人的血液里,也是中国传统文化的重要组成部分。由于东西方文化的差异,“孝”这一概念很难在英语中找到一个完全对应的词。我们可以用解释性释义、文化漾溢和简化三种策略来翻译“孝”。 一、解释性释义 《现代汉语词典》中,“孝”的核心含义为“孝顺”:尽心奉养父母,顺从父母的意志。根据这一定义,我们可以用filial piety、filial obedience、fil
“高”这个字,常常与其他的字词搭配,表示标准、程度、等级,如“高质量”“高水平”“高标准”“高端”“高等”“高级”等。根据《现代汉语词典》第7版,“高”的释义不少,其中有两个与我们的讨论相关:一是“在一般标准或平均程度之上”;另一个是“等级在上的”。对“高质量”“高水平”“高标准”,通常的翻译分别是high quality、high level、high standards,似乎已经成为定式。但是
Charlie came wide awake, slipped on his clothes, and opened the door. Blue Sky, who had been sleeping on the foot of his bed, stretched a wing and leg, then flew to his shoulder. Charlie stepped outsi
古 文 雷于粤为最远郡。2崇祯初,金陵人某3以部曹出守,舟入江遇盗。知其守也,杀之,并歼其从者,独留其妻女。以众中一最黠者为伪守,持牒往,而群诡为仆,人莫能察也。抵郡逾月,甚廉干,有治状,雷人相庆得贤太守,其寮属暨监司使,咸诵重之。4未几,太守出示禁游客,所隶毋得纳金陵人只履,否者虽至戚必坐。于是雷人益信服新太守乃能严介若此也。 亡何,守之子至,入境,无敢舍者。问之,知其禁也,心惑之
李白的一首《黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵》脍炙人口,已然成了千古绝唱。原诗写道: 故人西辞黄鹤楼, 烟花三月下扬州。 孤帆远影碧空尽, 唯见长江天际流。 诗中出现“广陵”和“扬州”两个地名。尽管在历史上两地归属和范围有时并不一致,但在此诗中却同指一地。文学家章燮在其注疏的《唐诗三百首》中对“烟花三月下扬州”就明确注疏道:“叙时。通典:广陵郡,今之扬州。”用不同的名称指称同一个地方是一种惯常的写作
中文里我们有“让某人孤立无援”“把某人晾起来”的说法(东北人也说“把某人干儿起来”),我在The Alice Network这本书里发现,英文里也有类似的说法:to leave someone high and dry。在书中的同一句话里,我还学到了另外一个短语:go on a bender,意思是“去寻欢作乐或过度消费”。bender,饮酒作乐。 这句话的背景是:Charlie虽然甩掉妈妈从酒
1. 引言 上届美国总统Donald Trump在中文世界主要有两个译名:唐纳德·特朗普和唐纳德·川普。分歧主要在其姓氏Trump的翻译:新华社、中央电视台和《人民日报》等官方主流媒体统一译为“特朗普”;一些网络媒体使用“川普”这一译名,而台湾地区也主要使用“川普”。“川普”比“特朗普”更贴近英文Trump的发音,所以不少人对“特朗普”这个译名提出质疑。 新华社前译名室主任李学军(2016)曾
考研英语写作分小作文和大作文两个部分,本刊考研专栏前5次讲解了大作文,今天针对小作文专门讲解。小作文旨在考查学生实用英语能力,也就是用英语来完成一件日常工作,近年来都是要求考生写一封信来完成以下7项任务: 介绍说明:对某个地方,某项活动或某项服务进行情况说明。 邀请/要求:邀请或要求某人参加某项活动。 投诉:向某人投诉某产品或服务的不足之处。 推荐:向某人推荐某物。 建议:就某事提出建议
Have you experienced bullying? You’re not alone. Read this article to understand more about bullying and find out what you can do to stop it. Why do we need to take action against bullying? Sadly, b