【导读】这是一些关于悉尼的零散而有趣的事实,可从中了解这座城市令人着迷的历史和不为人知的一面。 Sydney is renowned for her coastal beauty, but there’s far more to this scenic city than that which makes it famous. The beautiful harbour, world-famou
【导读】2月下旬,纽约一只名叫弗拉科(Flaco)的猫头鹰不幸离世,引发媒体广泛关注,纽约市民纷纷化身观鸟人和爱鸟人,通过多种方式悼念这只带给他们快乐和启发的传奇的鸟。一个月后,在地球另一面,斑鸠和布谷的啼叫唤醒沉睡的北京,大街小巷的人们通过这种独特的声音建立起与悠久传统的连结,也畅想起“人与自然和谐共生的中国式现代化”。 在南半球的大都市悉尼,鸟与城市的关系又呈现出另一番景象。这座集海岸、港湾
【导读】 艾玛·斯洛利做了六年《时尚芭莎》澳洲版(Harper’s Bazaar Australia)的专栏编辑。2004年,她和丈夫移居纽约,作为自由撰稿人兼旅行作家在美国及国际杂志上发表作品,文章见诸《旅行与休闲》(Travel + Leisure)、《悦游》(Condé Nast Traveler)、《纽约》(New York)等杂志。她还在一些文学刊物上发表小说、原创非虚构作品等,见诸《石
Where’s the steward?—Bar-room steward? Berth? Oh, any berth will do— 服务员在哪里?——酒吧服务员?舱位?哦,任何舱位都行—— I have left a three-pound billet just to come along with you. 我放下了三镑钱的工作,只是为了跟着你过来。 Brighter shine
Travel photographer Peter Yan left behind a successful career at Apple to pursue his work as a respected visual storyteller. In a few short years, the Chinese-born Australian photographer has built an
I guess it’s about time, I thought, and decided to go ahead with the preparations. First I contacted the workers to dispose of all my belongings. 时候大概到了,我思忖着,并决意着手料理起来。首先是去联系工人,处置我所有的个人物品。 “Are you
My grandfather died when I was a small boy, and my grandmother started staying with us for about six months every year. She lived in a room that doubled as my father’s office, which we referred to as
I have a friend, culturally minded, who used to share my love of books. Now, for whatever reason, he lost interest in reading. When people gift him with a book, he gives it to me, with one request: “K
Will Rogers1 once famously said, “Common sense ain’t common.” Nobel Laureate psychologist2 Dr. Daniel Kahneman has proven that humans are not the rational beings we believe ourselves to be. But why?
People who love feline species are well aware that there’s nothing to fear about black cats. However, for centuries, people have continued to believe that black cats are an ominous sign. Indeed, durin
Soon it will be even more important. 很快,天气将变得更加重要。 “Now the rains had really come,” writes Chinua Achebe, in Things Fall Apart, a novel set in 19th-century Nigeria, “so heavy and persistent that eve
Artificial Intelligence, or AI, seems to have finally arrived. With the introduction of ChatGPT, millions of people suddenly discovered that AI was far, far more than just a research activity. The ran
Do you like scary movies? Of course you do. That’s why you’re here, reading this article, dressed as Ghostface from Scream, polishing your knives in anticipation of the new movie. But perhaps a more i
In Portrait of Fritza Riedler, the treatment of the women’s white dresses is very close, as are the geometrical blocks of colour in the background. Fritza Riedler, however, is seated, and here Gustav
Most pet owners probably know what it’s like to cave to those “puppy dog” eyes—no matter the age of their canine1. When your dog looks at you with that curled brow and doleful stare, it’s difficult no
《英语同义词辨析大词典》(A Dictionary of Synonyms)说:“real一般指实体和表里一致的事物”,又说,“true指real或actual所表示的真实,但要先有一个判断真实与否的准绳,如某种模式、型号、某一类型或专门定义。”但是这样的辨析只会把事情搞得更复杂,对如何翻译“他是真正的英雄”这样一个简单的句子似乎没有什么帮助。此句可译为“He is a true hero.”有人
菠萝(台湾称“凤梨”)的英文是pineapple,苹果的英文是apple,众所周知。或许有人纳闷,pineapple里面怎么会有个apple?凤梨和苹果究竟是什么关系? pineapple前一半的pine是松树,直接明了。然而后一半的apple,却不是我们所理解的苹果,而是“苹果状的果实”,用于和苹果无关、但在某些方面与苹果相似的蔬果名称之中。这个用法的apple是个通称,或可笼统地翻成“果”,
Mary very soon got into town to see Doctor Ed, and then she had a talk with her boys and set a guard over Rosicky. Even John, the youngest, had his father on his mind. If Rosicky went to throw hay dow
金圣叹1说过:“人生三十不仕,不当再仕2,五十不娶,不当再娶3。何则?用非其时也。” “Once you’re over thirty, you should stop thinking of landing a sought-after government career, and once you’re over fifty, you should not take a shot at nu
The Alice Network是Kate Quinn近现代历史小说中写作较早的一部,发表于2017年。这本小说讲述了第一次世界大战期间,一个主要由女子组成的情报网Alice Network在德国占领下的法国执行任务的故事。故事中,特工们冒着随时被发现并失去生命的危险,同德国占领军及其同伙周旋,搜集情报,并使用各种方法经法国和比利时、荷兰边境将情报送达英国军方。小说中虽然有虚构的人物,但整个故事
英语影视剧台词中,短语、短句占有很大的比重。短语、短句字数少,上下文给出的提示有限,其中不少是习惯用法,如果再加上说话者语速快、背景噪声等因素,理解起来难度较大。 情景喜剧《老友记》(Friends)里的Joey是个还在为解决温饱问题而打拼的小演员,但女朋友倒是换得很勤。一天,在他经常光顾的咖啡店里,他遇到了前女友。前女友Angela穿了一件漂亮的连衣裙,像换了一个人似的。 Joey: You
在英美法系的国家,一审法院就事实问题(Question of Facts)进行裁决,律师向法庭提交辩论意见书(Trial Brief)陈述己方论点。在案件上诉过程中,上诉法院主要针对法律问题(Question of Law)做出裁决,律师向法庭提交的文书是上诉辩论意见书(Appellate Brief)。上诉辩论意见书主要针对法律问题进行解释、分析及论证,因此我们经常能看到的上诉辩论意见书每部分的
Pre-reading task You are going to read an article about email. Before you read, think about the following questions: How many emails would you say you receive a day? Can you remember what the last em
What’s the biggest thing in the universe? It sounds like a child’s question but scientists have been searching for an answer for over thirty years. Now a team led by Dr Roger Clowes from the Universit